This policy aims to provide a basis for the responsible management of alcohol by CUCC Kings and is seen as fundamental to the aims of the club.

The club recognises the importance in holding a liquor license in the value it adds to the club, enabling it to generate income and hold social functions, but in doing so the club also accepts the responsibilities and expectations of the community in strictly adhering to the liquor licensing laws. To ensure the aims of the club are upheld, and that alcohol is managed responsibly by the club and its members, the following requirements will apply when alcohol is served at the club or during a club function.


In line with Cricket Australia and Victorian Government COVID-19 Safe Guidelines, CUCC Kings have implemented number of COVID-19 Safe measures such as QR Code Training and Match Days Attendance Registers, Clear and Visible Signages, Regular Equipment and Club Rooms Sanitisation, Provision of Alcohol based hand sanitisers at every game. CUCC have appointed number of COVID-19 safety officers in each team to ensure that the COVID Safe rules are adhered by the players at all times. Please familiarise with Cricket Australia, Cricket Victoria and MCA Match Day COVID-19 Safety Policies and Guidelines below.

Social Rooms Bar

The club shall operate a Limited Renewable License which shall allow the club to serve alcohol in the social rooms during the following hours:
• Tuesday & Thursday – between 6pm and 10pm
• Saturday – between 12 noon and 12 am the following morning
• Sunday – between 12 noon and 10 pm

The club will adhere to the provisions of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 at all times. The key provisions in accordance with the Act that this club policy will strictly adhere to are:
• Persons under the age of 18 years are not served or provided alcohol (only photographic proof of age will be accepted).
• Alcohol will not be served to persons who are drunk.
• Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to serve alcohol.
• Persons who are drunk will not be permitted entry onto the club premises
• Persons who are drunk will not be permitted to remain on the club premises

A copy of the clubs liquor license and accompanying Liquor Licensing responsible serving of alcohol signage is to be clearly displayed at all times at the bar.

Booth (Match Days)

The club shall sell alcohol via an external booth for all home matches. The sale of alcohol outside the clubs licensed premises (or any other external point of sale that may be required for special events) shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
• A maximum of 4 opened cans of heavy or light beer per person can be served at any one time.
• A maximum of 2 opened cans of mixed spirits per person can be served at any one time.
• A booth shall operate from 1.30 pm until 15 minutes prior to the close of play.

Any booth operated by the club will adhere to the provisions of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 at all times. The key provisions in accordance with the Act that this club policy will strictly adhere to are:
• Persons under the age of 18 years are not served or provided alcohol (only photographic proof of age will be accepted).
• Alcohol will not be served to persons who are drunk.
• Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to serve alcohol.

A copy of the clubs liquor license and accompanying Liquor Licensing responsible serving of alcohol signage is to be clearly displayed at all booths.


All club committee members will enforce the alcohol management policy and any non-compliance, particularly in regard to Liquor Control Reform Act will be handled according to the following process:

1. Explanation of the club policy to the person/people concerned, including identification of the section of policy not being complied with.

2. Continued non-compliance with the policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/people to leave the club facilities or function.

Alcohol into Home Match Days

Bringing of alcohol into the ground at home match days is strictly prohibited. The club will display signs at ground entry gates advising members and visitors of this policy.

Bar Service and Management

The club will require that bar service at all times can only be provided by club members who are trained in the responsible serving of alcohol (RSA). A list of all RSA trained club members will be displayed near the bar. The list will also highlight RSA trained committee members.

Non and low-alcoholic alternative drinks will be provided at all times from the bar at prices that are a minimum of 10% cheaper than full strength alcoholic drinks.

An incident register will be maintained to record any incidents that may occur in relation to compliance with this policy and the operation of the social rooms bar. Bar staff will not be permitted to drink alcohol while serving behind the bar.

Safe Transport

Bar staff shall encourage members and visitors to make alternate safe transport arrangements if they are considered to exceed 0.05 blood alcohol concentration.

Telephone calls will be made free of charge to arrange a taxi or other transport. Contact telephone numbers for taxi services will be displayed at the bar.

In specific cases, where a designated driver who has been nominated by the club and that person has accepted the responsibility to drive others home safely, they will be provided non-alcoholic drinks free of charge by the club.

Fundraising, Functions and Prizes

A strict priority will be maintained to hold functions that appeal to a wide range of members offering diverse methods of fund raising and social events that are not solely dependent on alcohol or bar sales.

Functions, events or promotions will not be conducted that encourage excessive alcohol consumption as an incentive to attract patrons. Such promotions will include cheap drink promotions, drinking competitions and all-inclusive cover charges.

The club will monitor and ensure any club trips, particularly end of season player trips, strictly adhere to responsible behavior and alcohol consumption in accordance with the principles of this policy and the aims of the club Mission and Values Statement.


Food will be available at most times when alcohol is served at the club. Meals will be available during appropriate meal times and at other times filling snacks will be available.

Responsible Serving of Alcohol

The club will host annually a responsible serving of alcohol course and make every endeavour to ensure a minimum of 25 people attend with the aim of having all members understand issues regarding responsible alcohol management and why the club policy is in place.

Attendance at responsible serving of alcohol courses of senior players will be strongly encouraged for personal and employment development opportunities.

Committee Policy Management

The presence of committee members is essential to ensure the operation of the bar and policy compliance. At least two duty committee members who are RSA trained are required to be present at all club functions when the bar is open. Key responsibilities of the duty committee members are to:

  • Meet visiting police, cooperate and assist with any inquiries.
  • Ensure the admission of members and guests and completion of the visitor’s book. 
  • Compliance in respect of persons under 18 years of age on premises.
  • Ensuring intoxicated people are refused service and are asked to leave the premises.
  • Ensuring strict compliance with the club policy in accordance with the key provisions of the Liquor Control Reform Act.
  • Recording any incidents in the incident register.

The club will promote the alcohol management policy regularly by:

  • Publishing a copy of the policy in club newsletters, league programs and printed member/player information.
  • Displaying a copy of the policy in the club social rooms.
  • Periodic announcements to members at functions.

The club recognises the importance of educating club members, particularly players in the benefits of implementing an alcohol management policy and will endeavor to provide information to assist this process.

The club will actively participate in the Australian Drug Foundation Good Sports accreditation program with an ongoing priority to maintain Level 3 accreditation.

Policy Review

To ensure this policy continues to be relevant for club operation and that it reflects both community expectations and the provisions of the Liquor Control Reform Act, the policy will be reviewed annually.


Safeguarding Children and Young People

Australian Cricket is committed to ensuring that every cricket participant, including children and young people, participates in our sport free of abuse, harassment, bullying or any other form of inappropriate conduct. Australian Cricket’s Looking After Our Kids details cricket’s commitment to safeguarding children and young people and other resources in the safeguarding of children and young people in our sport.

CUCC Kings and its members are proud to be a part of this initiative from Cricket Australia and will ensure that its strictly enforced and adhered to at all times. The following documents outlines important information about this initiative and our compliance to the program:

  1. Looking After Our Kids for Australian Cricket Personnel
  2. Looking After Our Kids for Associations and Clubs
  3. Australian Cricket Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People
  4. Commitment to Safeguard Children
  5. CUCC Kings Committee Meeting Minutes 19th_Aug_2022

We are a Good Sports Club

Sporting clubs such as ours play a significant role in the community and have a responsibility to our members and their families. We have chosen to join over 7000 clubs across Australia taking part in the Good Sports program. Through Good Sports we are committed to managing alcohol responsibly and ensuring smoke free areas, which we believe will help us to provide a healthy, safe and family friendly environment.  Together, we are helping inspire a healthier sporting nation.

Speak to our club committee members about what being a Good Sports club is all about or visit

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